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Libraries/Programming Environment
Portable and partial implementation of the Message Passing Interface standard.
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Last Modified:
August 12, 2004

MP_Lite is a portable and partial implementation of MPI-1 specification and a programming environment for MPI programs for a wide variety of parallel and distributed computing environments.

The notation denotes a variable (such as directory name, file name, user name, etc.) that user has to substitute.

If a backslash (\) appears in a shell command, then it should be treated as a line continuation, i.e., it could be ignored if the user types in the shell command.

Rocketcalc provides a shell script (along with source code) that installs MP_Lite 2.7 for the GNU, Intel, and Portland Group compiler collections. The following are the steps to install MP_Lite using the shell script.

  • The user should make sure that the GNU (gcc and g77), Intel (icc and ifc/ifort), and Portland Group (pgcc and pgf77/pgf90) compilers are on PATH environment variable. If some of these compilers are not on your PATH, then MP_Lite will not be installed for the missing compilers. If Intel and Portland Group are not on user's PATH, then he/she must set his/her PATH for bash for example as follows:
    export \
    and for tcsh as follows:
    setenv \
    PATH /usr/pgi/linux86/5.1/bin:/opt/intel_cc_80/bin:/opt/intel_fc_80/bin:${PATH}
    For Portland Group compilers, the user should make sure that the environment variable PGI is set. The PGI environment variable must point to the directory where the Portland Group directory is installed. To check, run
    echo ${PGI}
    If user gets nothing, then he/she must set PGI environment variable. For example, for bash as follows:
    export PGI=/usr/pgi
    and for tcsh as follows:
    setenv PGI /usr/pgi
  • Download the file mplite-2.7-1-rocketcalc.tar.bz2.
  • Unpack the tarball file:
    tar jxvf mplite-2.7-1-rocketcalc.tar.bz2
    This will create directory mplite-2.7-1-rocketcalc.
  • Change directory to mplite-2.7-1-rocketcalc:
    cd mplite-2.7-1-rocketcalc
  • Become root:
    The user has to enter the root password. This step is not necessary. A regular user may install MP_Lite.
  • The user should move (or delete) old MP_Lite installation if he/she is planning to install it in the same location. The shell script will install MP_Lite in
    The default value for is /usr/local.
  • Run the installation script:
    This script will ask the user few questions and then will install MP_Lite.

If the user would like to use the GNU compilers collections, then he/she should add the following line at the end of ~/.bashrc

export PATH=/mplite/2.7/gnu/bin:${PATH}
or at the end of ~/.tcshrc
setenv PATH /mplite/2.7/gnu/bin:${PATH}
depending on his/her login shell.

If the user would rather use the Intel compilers collection, then he/she should add the following line at the end of ~/.bashrc

export PATH=/mplite/2.7/intel/bin:${PATH}
or at the end of ~/.tcshrc
setenv PATH /mplite/2.7/intel/bin:${PATH}

If the user would rather use the Portland Group compilers collection, then he/she should add the following line at the end of ~/.bashrc

export PATH=/mplite/2.7/pgi/bin:${PATH}
or at the end of ~/.tcshrc
setenv PATH /mplite/2.7/pgi/bin:${PATH}

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