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When we say our clusters are easy to use, we mean it.

Rocketcalc systems are designed for high-productivity performance computing. Wherever practical, we make managing clusters identical to managing traditional PCs, using conventional administration tools. You will spend more time computing and less time and expense on system administration.

The following panels illustrate a few common administrative tasks.

Adding users Installing Programs Adding nodes

Yes. It's that easy.

Freedom of Choice   We recognize that the choice of GNU/Linux distribution is yours. Although we highly recommend SUSE Linux, there are times when other distributions are desired or required. All our cluster management software tools are designed to be easily adaptable to most GNU/Linux distributions*. Run your cluster with your preferred OS, without the inconvenience of learning yet another flavor of GNU/Linux.

Open and Modern   Our cluster systems incorporate cutting-edge, open-source software tools including Ganglia and unionfs. Supplemental management and monitoring tools provided by Rocketcalc are also completely open source, and in some cases work in conjunction with Ganglia.

*We presently only support systems based on the Linux 2.6 kernel. Of course, we cannot absolutely guarantee support for every distribution out there. We have many customers running Debian, SUSE, RedHat, and their derivatives.

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