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What if...
What if everyone had their own supercomputer?

What if anyone could solve large and complex problems affordably?

What if supercomputing was easy?

We've been answering questions like these for the last five years with products like the Saturn personal cluster system.

Personal supercomputing improves the productivity of large-scale computing resources by offloading smaller jobs and development tasks. With their own personal supercomputers, researchers, educators and engineers are free to explore new ideas directly without worrying about job schedulers or other shared-resource barriers.

Personal Supercomputing with R...

Rocketcalc and REvolution Computing announce turnkey personal supercomputing for the R statistics language with RPro and NetWorkSpaces on the affordable and versatile Saturn personal supercomputing platform.

The combination of the Rocketcalc Saturn Personal Supercomputer, RPro, and NetWorkSpaces enables high value research that has been previously out of reach for many statisticians in bioinformatics, genetics, genomics, finance and other fields.


• About personal supercomputing                       • Clusters can be user-friendly                       • Freedom to crunch

Software Services Systems
Rocketcalc provides and supports a huge number of free, open-source packages for high-performance computing.

We can also install and assist with most commercial HPC software packages for GNU/Linux systems.

Rocketcalc and our partners can help with:
Systems planning, integration, tuning and support
Training and seminars
Scientific computing application development and consultation
Innovative, affordable turnkey personal cluster systems
Rack-mountable NUMA systems and clusters
Advanced multiprocessing NUMA servers

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